Publications of the Month showcases recent FASS academic books and journal articles.

November 2017
Variety of Development: Chinese Automakers in Market Reform and Globalization
Palgrave Macmillan

October 2017
Monastery, Monument, Museum: Sites and Artifacts of Thai Cultural Memory
University of Hawaii Press

September 2017
Imperial Intoxication: Alcohol and the Making of Colonial Indochina
University of Hawaii Press

August 2017
Minds in Motion: Imagining Empiricism in Eighteenth Century British Travel Literature, 1650-1850
Bucknell University Press

June 2017
Liberalism Disavowed: Communitarianism and State Capitalism in Singapore
Cornell University Press & NUS Press

May 2017
Sher Banu A. L. Khan
Sovereign Women in a Muslim Kingdom: The Sultanahs of Aceh, 1641−1699
Cornell University Press

Publications of the Month 2016
Publications of the Month 2015
Publications of the Month 2014
Publications of the Month 2013
Publications of the Month 2012
Publications of the Month 2011
For more information on submissions e-mail: