Just for Freshmen!

Freshman Seminars

Get up close and personal with your lecturers in Freshman Seminars!

Explore concepts that cross discipline boundaries and hold discussions in small-class settings with no more than 15 students. Each semester, lecturers will lead discussions on the history and myths of chinatowns, the role of "spirituality" and beliefs in life decisions, the social construction of romantic love, humour, and the cause and effect of migration, amongst other socially-conscious or even controversial topics. Participants will also get to enjoy (FASSConnect) networking lunches with the lecturers and classmates.

Be quick, and enroll in a Freshman Seminar this semester! Spaces are limited!

Writing Modules (New for Freshmen!)

Learn how to put forth a coherent and well-thought out argument through the newly introduced writing modules! Through examining thought-provoking issues, be trained to develop sound arguments and how best to bring across your views. Choose from one of the two modules below and be on your way to writing better.

ES1201G Messing with Nature: Unintended Consequences
Barry Griner and Luisa Sadorra
This small, interactive writing course considers the unintended consequences of the good intentions of innovations and policies. Using the topic of invasive species as a springboard, students will examine the history and discuss the unintended financial and environmental consequences of the introduction of species for agricultural, ornamental, or pest control purposes. What happened when mongooses were introduced to Hawai'i to control rats? What have been the unintended consequences of other policies, such as switching to bio-fuels? Students will learn rhetorical strategies to develop sound arguments for changing or maintaining a given policy.

ES1201L Language and Migration
Beatriz Lorente and Gene Navera
This course examines the relationship between language and migration. What does it mean to live life in a new language? What are the different kinds of migration and how well do the languages of different migrants travel? Why are languages not equally mobile? In small, interactive classes, students will explore these questions through the lenses of a wide range of texts from autobiographies to movies to scholarly articles. Students will be encouraged to develop their own informed views regarding the issues and they will be guided in making the rhetorical decisions that best argue their view in writing.