Special Degree Programmes with External Universitiies
Undergraduate Programmes
Double Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree with Waseda University (School of International Liberal Studies)
This Double Degree is part of NUS' University Scholars Programme's (USP) cultural immersion track and is open to USP students and Waseda University's students to study at the partner institution. Students who successfully complete the DDP will be issued with a Bachelor's degree from each institution. Waseda is one of the best universities in Japan and is regarded as one of Japan's top 2 private universities. Its School of International Liberal Studies (SILS) is a small select college within Waseda that has a wealth of student opportunities. SILS itself has a strong emphasis upon internships and other activities (such as community and volunteer work) that will take the students outside the university. The underlying philosophy at SILS includes a global outlook emphasizing intercultural understanding.
Joint Bachelor of Arts Program with University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(Intake suspended due to curriculum revamp)
This Joint Degree Program is a jointly taught and assessed Bachelor of Arts degree conferring a doubly validated qualification from UNC-CH and NUS, combining strengths of both curricula as well as integrating international experience fully into a student's course of study. The program offers a choice of six Majors - Economics, English Literature, Geography, History, Political Science and Global Studies. FASS students who successfully complete Honors requirements in this program will be awarded Bachelor of Arts with Honors by both institutions.
Double Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree with Sciences Po
Students who complete the four-year NUS-Sciences Po Double Degree Programme receive a Bachelor of Arts/Social Sciences (Honours) from NUS and a Bachelor of Arts from Sciences Po. Students will spend two years at each university, starting first at Sciences Po in France. The aim of the first two years at Sciences Po is to provide students with a foundational grounding in the social sciences. By proceeding to NUS for their third and fourth years, students will obtain a rigorous specialisation in one of the four majors in Economics, History, Political Science or Sociology in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and read multidisciplinary modules in the University Scholars Programme (USP).