Student Exchange Programme (SEP)


The Student Exchange Programme is an exciting opportunity to broaden your horizons, as well as to enhance your university studies or allow you to access greater research materials, deepen your research focus and perhaps learning from another supervisor.

Best of all, you will also be able to integrate and quantify your learning experiences as part of your undergraduate programme. You will be able to get Units transferred for the approved coursework you read while overseas under the exchange programme towards the fulfillment of your degree requirements.

Currently, NUS has exchange agreements with over 180 universities, for example, University of California campuses, Boston University, Peking University and King's College, University College London. In addition, FASS also has Faculty-level and Departmental-level exchanges with universities that have excellent programmes such as University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Stockholm School of Economics .

What must I do?

SEP Application Materials

Reference Lists

Other types of SEP

Related Policies & Financial Aid

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