The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) is home to an exciting array of social and discipline-based student societies.

The NUS Students' Arts & Social Sciences Club (, fondly known as the "FASS Club", champions Student Welfare, the FASS Identity, and Learning and Personal Growth. You can join them on Facebook at or send them an e-mail at

Other FASS-based student societies that you can contact directly include the following:

The NUS Students' Arts & Social Sciences Club (FASS Club) champions 3 things:

1) Student Welfare, of which we look to enhance your stay and experience in NUS FASS through events and programs; listen to your concerns through various feedback channels; and lastly, provide you with a good NUS environment to the best of our abilities,

2) Learning and Personal Growth, which will be cultivated through the different events, ideas and programs throughout the entire year,

3) The FASS Identity, our unique branding that the world has come to know us by, standing out from different other faculties due to out diverse and immensely interesting nature.
We would like to welcome all FASS students to join the group to receive updates and event news..

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The NUS Chinese Studies Students' Society (NUSCSSS) was formed in 1992 and it is one of the clubs and societies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS).

The 3 main objectives of the NUSCSSS are:

1. To bridge communication between professors/teachers and students

2. To provide services and welfare for students in the Department, and to allow students to forge closer bonds and friendships

3. To promote the use of Chinese language and an understanding of Chinese culture and heritage locally, and to provide a range of information on local cultural activities and departmental events

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The CNM Society is a student-led society aimed at being the voice of the NUS Communications and New Media (CNM) student body and the bridge to the Department. We seek to make every CNM student’s university experience meaningful, be it through fulfilling experiences within the campus to exciting opportunities outside of it. Every year, the CNM Society organises a wide range of events from Industry Talks and Panel Discussions to bonding initiatives among CNM students. Students can also explore their passions in writing and community service in the respective CNM society subcommittees.



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The NUS Economics Society (ECS) is a student-led society founded in 1961, formally registered with the Ministry of Home Affairs Singapore. Over time, NUS ECS has endured the vicissitudes of change by constantly evolving to meet the needs of the NUS Economics student population. Dedicated to our vision in heart and mind, NUS ECS continues to be a living source of strength and support to aid Economics majors in adapting to a VUCA world. Since our establishment, we have groomed countless Economics majors through a series of workshops; as well as served them by ensuring social support via a plethora of events aimed at creating precious memories of their undergraduate days. Today, NUS ECS aspires towards organising more novel and meaningful events to better the lives and prospects of our Economics majors.

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The NUS Geographical Society is a non-profit organisation dedicated to serving the needs, welfare and aspirations of students of Geography in NUS; in maintaining a strong and close relationship between the student community and faculty at the Department of Geography; and in promoting the discipline of Geography amongst the Singaporean student community. The Society enjoys a long history and tradition of close ties with the Department, extending back to the days of the former University of Singapore. Today, the Geog Soc (pronounced “JEOG-SOCK”), as it is affectionately referred to, still serves as the umbrella body under which students reading Geography can find both academic and social support. This is achieved through the numerous activities organised throughout the year. Feel free to visit our Instagram (@nus.geog) or Facebook Page (NUS Geographical Society) for more details!.

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The NUS Global Studies Club started in 2015 as a means to facilitate a greater sense of inclusion among the Global Studies students. Being multi-disciplinary with varying themes and regions with modules that spread out across the whole of FASS, GL Club strives to foster a sense of belonging and community amongst this diverse group of students. GL Club organises welfare events, fundraising, community service projects, and academic and career talks in an effort to not only bond the GL community but to also allow GL students to realise the full potential and prospects of being a Global Studies major. Similarly, we hope to also serve as an intermediary between GL students and staff by disseminating various information from professors and to also allow feedback to be passed on from students. Being a relatively new major in NUS, we hope to also promote Global Studies not only to freshies but to employers too!

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The National University of Singapore (NUS) History Society is a student-run organization that aims to encourage an interest for history among NUS students and members of the public. Regular projects that aim to engage NUS students, including both History majors and non-History majors, comprise writing and editorial opportunities at Mnemozine, career and professional development programmes as well as welfare activities. Special projects include the MUSE collaboration with NHB to celebrate the bicentennial. NUS History Society is a student society under the Office of Student Affairs, National University of Singapore. Follow us on Instagram at @nushissoc for our latest updates!

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First founded in 1984, the Japanese Studies Society (JSS) of NUS is a student-run organization that seeks to promote the understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture.

More than 35 years after the Society’s founding, our goal remains the same. NUS JSS provides invaluable opportunities for exposure to Japanese culture, uniting students with a shared passion for Japan’s vibrant traditions, arts and language. We also strengthen bilateral ties, through extensive collaboration with Japanese partner universities, companies and the local Japanese community. NUS JSS thus continues to cultivate warm relationships between NUS and its Japanese counterparts.

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Language is commonplace and mysterious all at once. Delve deep into the history, the usage and the transformation of language, and discover humanity's evolving understanding of the world.




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The NUS Literary Society has a long tradition that both supports and extends the work of the Department of English Language and Literature among students in Singapore. Although its core members are university undergraduates, its aims have always been to share the powerful experience of literary culture with a wider audience of young readers and aspiring writers. Signature events organised annually by the Society include the Evening of Poetry and Music and the Creative Writing Competition.

Among NUS students, the Literary Society is known for its yearly book sale, always a hit with the cash-strapped student populace. In addition, it sometimes organises book clubs and arranges for talks by well-known writers, local and otherwise. It also publishes Argot, a literary magazine.

Prominent Singaporean writers who have been part of the Society’s history as advisors, contributors or student leaders include Edwin Thumboo, Arthur Yap, Lee Tzu Pheng, Leong Liew Geok, Boey Kim Cheng, Felix Cheong, Heng Siok Tian, Paul Tan, Aaron Lee, Grace Chia, Cyril Wong, Ovidia Yu and Gwee Li Sui.

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The NUS Malay Studies Society (NUSMSS) is an academic group that is closely associated with the NUS Malay Studies Department. We organise academic talks and forums for undergraduates.




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Since 2011, the NUS Philosophy Interest Group (NUS PhiloIG) has existed for the purpose of bringing together these lovers of wisdom so that the journey of seeking answers to questions may be a memorable one, full of insight and learning. NUS PhiloIG functions as a means for the various ideas and experiences to converge so that fellow philosophers may come to build up great philosophical friendships and to gain deeper insights into this journey called life.




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Founded in 1967, the Society seeks to engage, by way of activities and events, the various issues relating to Political Science as an academic discipline.

The Society also desires to promote, through the application of the concepts and theories of Political Science, a better understanding of the political, social, cultural and economic problems faced by Singapore, the region and the world at large and to contemplate possible solutions to these problems.

Membership is not limited to students taking Political Science. We welcome all students, regardless of discipline, faculty or school.

Our flagship events include the Singapore Model United Nations (SMUN), in which youths from around Singapore and the world come together to propose innovative solutions, both in their individual roles and potentials as global citizens. SMUN also provides a platform for participants to interact with, learn from and befriend each other, not only through rigorous academic debates but also through social events. SMUN is among the premier Model United Nations (MUN) conferences in the Asia-Pacific. SMUN prides itself on high academic standards and on bringing a truly global experience to its participants, with delegates from over 20 countries.

We also have our annual NUS Political Science Freshmen Orientation Camp (PS Camp), in which the incoming freshmen are welcomed into the Political Science family in our own unique way. It also provides the first form of genuine interaction between the freshmen and seniors, cementing links between successive batches of students with an interest in Political Science.

We also conduct Talks & Dialogues, often involving contemporary local political figures, academics, analysts and commentators. These discussions aim to raise the awareness of students and the public alike on the latest trends and occurrences in current affairs.

Lastly, we have our Welfare Initiatives, where we provide gifted items and accessories to members of our Society and community, as part of showing our appreciation for their support during the semesters and to wish them well for the gruelling final examinations period.

We always strive to be and do better. We welcome your suggestions to make this a reality. Connect with us through any of our social media platforms. We look forward to hearing from you.

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The National University of Singapore (NUS) Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Club was founded with one primary goal in mind: To serve the interests of and create a community for all NUS PPE majors.

As NUS’s point of convergence for all things PPE, we strive to foster communication within our major, organise get-togethers to bond our community and events which arm our majors to better achieve their goals. The NUS PPE Club’s framework: Administration, Community building, and Extra-curricular exposure.

Administration: To ensure that the Club serves as a link bridge, representing the interests of the PPE student community while articulating the considerations behind the policies enacted by FASS faculty staff.

Community building: To build an inclusive and cohesive community that encourages peer-to-peer collaboration, within and beyond the NUS PPE community.

Extra-curricular exposure: To expose the NUS PPE community to a plethora of potential career paths, by engaging with a diverse range of key public figures from the public sector and leading industry experts from the private sector.

The NUS PPE Club will continue to endeavour to serve the interests of the NUS PPE community. Besides providing more opportunities for PPE majors to meet and connect, the Club has also ramped up efforts to bring our majors’ aspirations closer to them—through talks with industry experts and PPE alumni, our majors can find out what they can do with the PPE major and what steps they can take to achieve your professional goals.

The Club is also very excited to announce the conception of Republic—our brand new publication—as a platform for the NUS community to share their work and ideas within the PPE-centric domain. Keep an eye out for upcoming events, and submit your essays to Republic to have your work featured!

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Introduction by Members of the PPE Club

The NUS Psychology Society, commonly known as NUS Psych Soc, is the student-led society for Psychology students. NUS Psych Soc was formed by a group of Psychology students in February 2006 and has been increasingly flourishing ever since. The society seeks to cater to the welfare of Psychology Majors and other students interested in the discipline of Psychology – making the right connections and providing the best opportunities for growth during the duration of their academic career in NUS.

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The NUS Society of Social Work Students (SSWS) is dedicated to build a vibrant and supportive Social Work community with bonding activities, enrichment talks, and opportunities to contribute to the community. We aim to inspire lifelong learning and celebrate friendships amongst professionals and subsequent generations of Social workers.

Every academic year, we organise activities such as the Freshmen Orientation Camp, Bonding Day, Welcome Tea, Welfare Pack, Social Work Day Celebration, Fundraising Sales, and other ad hoc events.

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Formed in 1967 by a group of enthusiastic and idealistic freshmen, the NUS Sociology Society has been involved in the student life of the Department of Sociology. With an appreciation for the larger forces that shape society, the NUS Sociology Society has constantly sought to stay relevant to these shifting contexts.

While this has shaped the Society’s nature towards one which is ever changing and multi-faceted, the underlying desire to stay academically relevant and to pursue sociologically inspired causes have remained unchanged, if not strengthened.

More so, we believe that Sociology does not study the world as it is, rather, it studies the world as it is not. It is by striving towards this world that is not, that will make our world a better place. Perhaps we are still as idealistic as ever! Nevertheless, we welcome you to discover (and hopefully take part in) our various events, where we experiment with ideas and attempt to translate sociological thoughts into actions. VISION:

To promote camaraderie amongst Sociology majors and students interested in Sociology across diverse backgrounds by enhancing the appreciation of Sociological imagination in our everyday life.

MISSION: To nurture students’ capacity to question assumptions, discover new perspectives and redefine existing paradigms of our social world through collaboration and building connections.

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The NUS South Asian Studies Students' Society is formed by students of the National University of Singapore (NUS) to spread the beauty of South Asia.




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Armed with enthusiastic members, the NUS Southeast Asian Studies Students' Society (SEASS) is a student-run society which works closely with the department. We aim to be the contact point for individuals (both students and faculty) interested in all aspects of Southeast Asian Studies. Promoting interests on Southeast Asia and providing information on Southeast Asia's diverse cultures and histories, the SEASS, together with the Department of Southeast Asian Studies, has organised various cultural and country-based events and projects in order to bring the Southeast Asian region to the NUS community. Past projects undertaken by the SEASS included a community service project in Pattani, South Thailand in 2003 which was supported by the Singapore International Foundation (SIF), various cultural trips to countries in the region as well as SEASS Alumni Night in 2007.

A key event which we organise each year is the "Southeast Asia Week", a mini-festival dedicated to all things Southeast Asia. Each year, a myriad of activities and events shaped by the creativity of SEASS members are organised during "Southeast Asia Week". Past events included a concert dedicated to Southeast Asian music, cultural/art themed exhibitions, film screenings, academic forums and discussions on Southeast Asian related issues such as human rights, politics and so on.

The SEASS hopes to expand its horizons by holding unique, refreshing and engaging events on Southeast Asia so that the NUS community can enjoy discovering Southeast Asia, the people, places and culture found in this vibrant and ever changing region.

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