Summer/Winter Programmes (SWP)

Unit Transfer Policy (previously known as Credit Transfer Policy)

1. Introduction
Students can participate in the summer/winter programme (SWP) organised by NUS or our partner universities. This is a shorter version of SEP which allows students are able to experience independent life in a different culture for a few weeks.

Global Relations Office (GRO) recommends a number of SWP offered by reputable universities. Students may refer to for more information and application procedures for each individual programme.

For procedures on course mapping and unit transfer, please refer here.

2. Details on Unit Transfer Policy

To qualify for unit transfer, students should seek course mapping approval before they embark for SWP and pass the courses read at partner universities. Only units will be transferred and unit transfer for FASS students is subjected to FASS Unit Exchange Ratio. Students are expected to do their due diligence to calculate the equivalent number of units their courses are worth and ensure they earn sufficient units.

As stated on NUS Office of the University Registrar website, students may transfer up to:

  1. Maximum of 10 units for each summer programme (essentially 2 courses) and
  2. Maximum of 5 units for each winter programme (essentially 1 course)

In addition, students can only transfer a total of 12 units with fee waiver for up to 2 SWPs during their course of study in NUS. Special Term tuition fees will be charged if students wish to transfer more than 12 units or transfer units from the third and subsequent SWP they participate. Please refer here for Special Term tuition fees payable.

Example 1:

Number of SWP Number of units transferred Special Term Tuition Fees chargeable?
1st - Summer 8 units No
2nd - Winter 4 units No
3rd - Summer/Winter Any number Yes because it is the third SWP regardless of the number of unit. Fees will be pro-rated and charged according to the number of unit transferred


Example 2:

Number of SWP Number of units transferred Special Term Tuition Fees chargeable?
1st - Summer 4 units No
2nd - Summer 4 units No
3rd - Summer/Winter 4 units Yes because it is the third SWP even though it is within the maximum of 12 units. Fees for 4 units (1 course) will be charged.


Example 3:

Number of SWP Number of units transferred Special Term Tuition Fees chargeable?
1st - Summer 10 units No
2nd - Winter 5 units Yes, pro-rated fees of 3 units will be charged.


Example 4:

Number of SWP Number of units transferred Special Term Tuition Fees chargeable?
1st - Summer 8 units No
2nd - Summer/Winter 5 units Yes, pro-rated fees of 1 unit will be charged.


For any queries, student may write to (please include matriculation number).

Financial Assistance for SWP
Please refer to GRO website for more details on financial aid.