Writing, Expression and Communication (WEC) Courses


WEC courses are meant to equip students with good writing and communication skills, which are important for success in school and in the workplace.

Faculty Core Requirement

Cohort 2021 onwards

As part of the CHS Common Curriculum requirement, FASS students of Cohort 2021 onwards MUST read and pass the following writing course to graduate:

  1. FAS1101 Writing Academically: Arts and Social Sciences (4 Units)


Cohort 2020

As part of the Faculty Core requirement, FASS students of Cohort 2020 onwards MUST read and pass the following WEC courses to graduate:

  1. FAS1101 Writing Academically: Arts and Social Sciences (4 Units)
  2. FAS1103 Effective Workplace Communication (2 Units)


Cohort 2016-2019

As part of the Faculty Core requirement, FASS students of Cohort 2016 to 2019 MUST read and pass the following WEC courses to graduate:

  1. FAS1101 Writing Academically: Arts and Social Sciences (4 Units)
  2. FAS1102 Public Writing and Communication (4 Units)



Students who are required to read ES1000 Foundation Academic English and/or ES1103 English for Academic Purposes must pass them before you are eligible to read FAS1101 and FAS1103.

There are no pre-requisites for students who are exempted from the Qualifying English Test (QET).

Qualifying English Test (QET)

Students who are required to sit for the Qualifying English Test (QET) on Tuesday, 08 July 2025 should register for the test from 19 June to 26 June 2025. Please click here for more details.

Students who fail to register by 26 June 2025 will have to sit for the next QET2 which will be conducted in November 2025 (date to be confirmed). We strongly recommend you to take the QET1 as soon as possible as this may delay the reading of FAS1101 during your first year of study. Please refer to the FAQs for more information.

Exemptions/ Preclusions


Students may be exempted from one or both WEC courses. You are expected to take a replacement course under your respective programmes.

FAS1101 FAS1103
Students exempted from the following WEC courses
  • DDP student in Law-Economics
  • DDP student in Engineering-Economics
  • USP student
  • UTCP student (Tembusu, CAPT and RC4)
  • Secured/Read an FMA course
  • RVRC student (Cohort 2021 onwards)
  • DDP student in Law-Economics
  • RVRC student
  • USP student (Cohort 2017 onwards)


The replacement course(s) for the exempted FAS1101 and/or FAS1103 may count towards the Faculty Core requirement or the Unrestricted Elective (UE) requirement. All students will still have to read the required number of units to attain a Bachelor of Arts degree or a Bachelor of Arts (Honours)/ Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) degree.

Course Registration


The Faculty will randomly pre-allocate FAS1101 to all first-year FASS students.  Due to resource constraints, approximately half of you will read FAS1101 in Semester 1; with the remaining half reading FAS1101 in Semester 2. By the end of your first two semesters of study, all of you would have read and passed FAS1101.

Because of the large enrolment and the need to manage teaching resources, we regret that requests to swap FAS1101 between semesters will not be accepted. Students are required to read FAS1101 in the semester in which they have been pre-allocated.

Lecture and Tutorial Groups

WEC courses are taught in flipped classrooms, where students are required to access lecture videos on LumiNUS on their own, as well as attend 2-hour weekly tutorial classes.

Hence, there will be no lecture meetings.

You are required to register for tutorial groups for FAS1101.

Tutorial Registration (FAS1101)

  1. Select Tutorials Round 1 and Round 2
    You have to indicate your preferred tutorial classes from Select Tutorials Round 1 during the Course Registration (ModReg) period. Please refer to the online ModReg schedule for the exact duration. You will rank up to 20 choices for your preferred tutorial slots and ModReg will allocate you a tutorial slot. At the end of Round 1, you should have secured a tutorial slot. Should you still not be able to secure a preferred tutorial slot, you will proceed to participate in Select Tutorials Round 2 or in the ‘Add/Swap Tutorials’ event.
  2. ‘Add/Swap Tutorials’ operates on first-come-first-served basis
    For students who have yet to secure any tutorial slot after Round 2, you will have to manually add an available tutorial slot during the add/swap round (see below for procedures). If you have secured a tutorial slot during Round 1 or 2 you may swap your tutorial slot with another student should both of you indicate interest in the other party’s secured slot.
  3. Manual tutorial registration period
    Should the remaining slots not be available if:
    (i) there are timetable clashes*
    (ii) you are unable to secure a timeslot after all the tutorial registration rounds or after ModReg appeals, you will have to manually register for a tutorial timeslot. Please submit your request via ModReg. Students who did not secure any tutorial class after Add/Swap exercise may be asked to discontinue reading the course with the appropriate penalty as decided by the faculty.

*You will have to provide documentary proof of timetable clashes with the remaining tutorial slots at the end of the add/drop/swap period before the Dean’s Office can look into your request. Otherwise, you will be allocated a tutorial slot which still has vacancies and does not clash with your timetable. Please refer to the Course Registration schedule for the latest dates.

S/U Option

Students can exercise their S/U option for FAS1101 and FAS1103. For you to take advantage of the enhanced grade-free scheme for freshmen, you must sit for the QET early (if required) and establish your QET banding before your first semester of study.

Students who read FAS1101 and/or FAS1103 beyond your first two semesters of study can still use your remaining S/U options (if available).

Appeals & Queries

All appeals regarding FAS1101, with reasons indicated, should be sent to OPHELP:

  • For requests to drop the pre-allocated FAS1101, please include in the subject of the email “Request to drop pre-allocated FAS1101”.
  • For requests to add FAS1101, please include in the subject of the email “Request to be pre-allocated FAS1101”.
  • For requests to swap tutorial class for pre-allocated FAS1101, please include in the subject of the email “Request to swap secured tutorial class for FAS1101”.

We regret that personal reasons to drop/swap courses will not be entertained. Please refer to the FAQs for more information.

Other Queries

For any other queries, please direct them to ophelp@nus.edu.sg.

All email queries should have the subject title “Query on WEC course”. Please indicate your matriculation number (AXXXXXXXX) and course code clearly so that we can manage your queries in a timely manner.

Please send all queries using your NUS email account to prevent your emails from going into the Spam folder.

Students are reminded not to send multiple appeals/queries as this will only delay the response time. Depending on the volume of appeals/queries received, response time will also vary.