Book Launch – Strangers in the Family-Gender, Patriliny & Chinese in Col Indonesia by Dr Seng Guo-Quan

Book Launch – Strangers in the Family-Gender, Patriliny & Chinese in Col Indonesia by Dr Seng Guo-Quan

January 2, 2024

Here are some of the highlights from the book launch of 'Strangers in the Family: Gender, Patriliny, and the Chinese in Colonial Indonesia' by Dr Seng Guo-Quan (NUS History)!

In Strangers in the Family, Dr Seng Guo-Quan provides a gendered history of settler Chinese community formation in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial period (1816–1942). At the heart of this story lies the creolization of patrilineal Confucian marital and familial norms to the colonial legal, moral, and sexual conditions of urban Java.

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