Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Cluster


About Us

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a highly ambitious infrastructure and connectivity project that aims to link China to Europe through Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Launched in 2013, the BRI involves the extensive construction of roads, railway lines, port facilities, and telecommunications infrastructure, among other major development projects. Impressive goals notwithstanding, the BRI faces significant criticism. Some pertain to charges of “debt-trap diplomacy,” others relate to claims of serious environmental damage and social upheaval in local communities. The scope, scale, and debates surrounding the BRI invites attempts to conceptualise and understand its consequences. We examine the BRI in the context of other colossal, high-modern development projects to advance scholarship while speaking to policy and business concerns.

The BRI Cluster also has links with the Max Weber Foundation Research Group on Borders, Mobility and New Infrastructures, which was established in FASS in June 2017.

News & Events

Steering Committee

Associate Professor, Political Science
International Politics, Security, East Asia, China’s Foreign Policy, US-China Relations, Contentious Politics, Sovereignty, State-building, Institutions
Assistant Professor, History
Buddhism, Chinese Popular Religions, Overseas Chinese History, South China Sea, Maritime Silk Road
Associate Professor, Chinese Studies
Southeast Asian History, Monsoon Asia, Colonialism and Imperialism, Capitalism, Chinese Ethnicity, Migration, Religion, Transnationalism and Entrepreneurial Networks
Associate Professor, South Asian Studies and Sociology
Violence, Migration, Politics, Religion, Conscience and Temporalities
Professor, Geography
Political Geography, Postcolonialism, Urban Geography
Assistant Professor, Political Science
Democratization, Authoritarianism, Opposition Alliances, Censorship, Southeast Asia

Cluster Members

Lecturer, NUS College
Empire and State-Building, Development, Modernization, Nationalism, Religion and Politics, Law and Society

Contact Us

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Cluster

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 6
5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570