FASS Internship Programme


List of Content

Assessment Tasks

FAS2551 / FAS2551A

Assessment Tasks of FAS2551 / FAS2551A
(Assessment Tasks are the same for both courses)

Deadlines   Specific Assessment Tasks  Navigating NUS TalentConnect and CANVAS
Due end of Week 1 of the internship/semester

Work Plan - 10% of grade

  • To be composed in consultation with Workplace Supervisor, and including the following information regarding the internship:
    • Description of the project or objectives
    • Intended learning outcomes
    • Description of work duties

NUS TalentConnect

  • Accept the internship by clicking ACCEPT OFFER.
  • Take note of the Job ID number on NUS TalentConnect (NTC ID no)


Assignments > Experiential Learning Placement Record and Work Plan folder

First entry due end of Week 2

Fortnightly Journal Entries – 30% of grade

  • Min. 150 words per entry.
  • To describe work done, what was learned, the relationship with colleagues and supervisors, etc., and any reflection upon the above.
  • AA to view.


  • Assignments > Fortnightly Journal Entry folders
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2551/FAS2551A Journal Entry X_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

Due at the close of the internship or end of course window, whichever is earlier

Final Deadline:

2 May 2025, 2359 hour (Internship Period: AY2024/25 Semester 2)

*Missing the deadline may result in a CU grade.

Structured Final Report – 30% of grade

  • Min. 1,000 words.
  • To include the following components:
    • Summary description of the internship
      • Objectives, schedule, and principal activities performed.
    • Reflection upon the internship experience
      • Learning outcomes achieved, including social and personal as well as any technical skills acquired; comparison of the outcome with the statement in the Work.
    • Closing remarks
      • May take the form of some advice to juniors who might want to take up a similar internship in the future.
    • Acknowledgment
      • For training provided by employer, assistance received from other persons during training, etc.
  • Note: The report may build upon the journal entries but should not be copied verbatim from them.


  • Assignments > Structured Final Report folder
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2551/FAS2551A Final Report_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

To improve the FASS Internship Programme for future cohorts, please fill our " Student Internship Evaluation Form":

Assignments > Student Internship Evaluation Form folder

Workplace Supervisor Feedback - Remaining 30% of grade

  • Your Workplace Supervisor's Feedback is submitted as Employer Evaluation via a link sent to them.

FAS2552 / FAS2552A

Assessment Tasks of FAS2552 / FAS2552A
(Assessment Tasks are the same for both courses)

Deadlines  Specific Assessment Tasks Navigating NUS TalentConnect and CANVAS
Due end of Week 1 of the internship/semester

Work Plan - 10% of grade

  • To be composed in consultation with Workplace Supervisor, and including the following information regarding the internship:
    • Description of the project or objectives
    • Intended learning outcomes
    • Description of work duties

NUS TalentConnect

  • Accept the internship by clicking ACCEPT OFFER.
  • Take note of the Job ID number on NUS TalentConnect (NTC ID no).


Assignments > Experiential Learning Placement Record and Work Plan folder

First entry due end of Week 2

Fortnightly Journal Entries – 30% of grade

  • Min. 200 words per entry.
  • To describe work done, what was learned, the relationship with colleagues and supervisors, etc., and any reflection upon the above.
  • AA to view


  • Assignments > Fortnightly Journal Entry folders
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2552/FAS2552A Journal Entry X_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

Due at the close of the internship or end of course window, whichever is earlier

Final Deadline 

2 May 2025, 2359 hour (Internship Period: AY2024/25 Semester 2)

*Missing the deadline may result in a CU grade.

Structured Final Report – 30% of grade

  • Min. 2,000 words.

Section 1:

  • To conduct an informational interview with at least one person currently working in the company or organization, and write a report based on it. The focus could be on:
    • how the industry operates
    • what the company does
    • what the particular business unit does or even just what the particular employee does.
  • The interview could be done informally, and need not be done all in one sitting.

Section 2:

  • To include the following components:
    • Summary description of the internship
      • Objectives, schedule, and principal activities performed.
    • Reflection upon the internship experience
      • Learning outcomes achieved, including social and personal as well as any technical skills acquired; comparison of the outcome with the statement in the Work.
    • Closing remarks
      • May take the form of some advice to juniors who might want to take up a similar internship in the future.
    • Acknowledgment
      • For training provided by employer, assistance received from other persons during training, etc.
  • Note: The report may build upon the journal entries but should not be copied verbatim from them.


  • Assignments > Structured Final Report folder
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2552/FAS2552A Final Report_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

To improve the FASS Internship Programme for future cohorts, please fill our " Student Internship Evaluation Form":

Assignments > Student Internship Evaluation Form folder

Workplace Supervisor Feedback - Remaining 30% of grade

  • Your Workplace Supervisor's Feedback is submitted as Employer Evaluation via a link sent to them.

FAS2553 / FAS2553A

Assessment Tasks of FAS2553 / FAS2553A
(Assessment Tasks are the same for both courses)

Deadlines   Specific Assessment Tasks Navigating NUS TalentConnect and CANVAS
Due end of Week 1 of the internship/semester

Work Plan - 10% of grade

  • To be composed in consultation with Workplace Supervisor, and including the following information regarding the internship:
    • Description of the project or objectives
    • Intended learning outcomes
    • Description of work duties

NUS TalentConnect

  • Accept the internship by clicking ACCEPT OFFER.
  • Take note of the Job ID number on NUS TalentConnect (NTC ID no).


Assignments > Experiential Learning Placement Record and Work Plan folder

First entry due end of Week 2

Fortnightly Journal Entries – 30% of grade

  • Min. 150 words per entry.
  • To describe work done, what was learned, the relationship with colleagues and supervisors, etc., and any reflection upon the above.
  • AA to view.


  • Assignments > Fortnightly Journal Entry folders
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2553/FAS2553A Journal Entry X_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no

Due at the close of the internship or end of course window, whichever is earlier

Final Deadline

18 Jul 2025, 2359 hour (Internship Period: AY2024/25 Special Term)

*Missing the deadline may result in a CU grade.

Structured Final Report – 30% of grade

  • Min. 1,000 words.
  • To include the following components:
    • Summary description of the internship
      • Objectives, schedule, and principal activities performed.
    • Reflection upon the internship experience
      • Learning outcomes achieved, including social and personal as well as any technical skills acquired; comparison of the outcome with the statement in the Work.
    • Closing remarks
      • May take the form of some advice to juniors who might want to take up a similar internship in the future.
    • Acknowledgment
      • For training provided by employer, assistance received from other persons during training, etc.
  • Note: The report may build upon the journal entries but should not be copied verbatim from them.


  • Assignments > Structured Final Report folder
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2553/FAS2553A Final Report_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

To improve the FASS Internship Programme for future cohorts, please fill our " Student Internship Evaluation Form":

Assignments > Student Internship Evaluation Form folder

Workplace Supervisor Feedback - Remaining 30% of grade

  • Your Workplace Supervisor's Feedback is submitted as Employer Evaluation via a link sent to them.
Deadlines to Drop Courses

Note: Only applicable to Special Term Internships documented with courses FAS2553 and FAS2553A.

Week of Internship

(based on start date of internship)


Week 1 - 2 No penalty
Week 3 - 4 W
Week 5 onwards F

FAS2551 / FAS2551A

Assessment Tasks of FAS2551 / FAS2551A
(Assessment Tasks are the same for both courses)

Deadlines   Specific Assessment Tasks  Navigating NUS TalentConnect and CANVAS
Due end of Week 1 of the internship/semester

Work Plan - 10% of grade

  • To be composed in consultation with Workplace Supervisor, and including the following information regarding the internship:
    • Description of the project or objectives
    • Intended learning outcomes
    • Description of work duties

NUS TalentConnect

  • Accept the internship by clicking ACCEPT OFFER.
  • Take note of the Job ID number on NUS TalentConnect (NTC ID no)


Assignments > Experiential Learning Placement Record and Work Plan folder

First entry due end of Week 2

Fortnightly Journal Entries – 30% of grade

  • 150 words per entry.
  • To describe work done, what was learned, the relationship with colleagues and supervisors, etc., and any reflection upon the above.
  • AA to view.


  • Assignments > Fortnightly Journal Entry folders
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2551/FAS2551A Journal Entry X_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

Due at the close of the internship or end of course window, whichever is earlier

Final Deadlines

24 Nov 2023, 2359 hour (Internship     Period: AY2023/24 Semester 1)

3 May 2024, 2359 hour (Internship     Period: AY2023/24 Semester 2)

*Missing the deadline may result in a CU grade.

Structured Final Report – 30% of grade

  • 1,000 words.
  • To include the following components:
    • Summary description of the internship
      • Objectives, schedule, and principal activities performed.
    • Reflection upon the internship experience
      • Learning outcomes achieved, including social and personal as well as any technical skills acquired; comparison of the outcome with the statement in the Work.
    • Closing remarks
      • May take the form of some advice to juniors who might want to take up a similar internship in the future.
    • Acknowledgment
      • For training provided by employer, assistance received from other persons during training, etc.
  • Note: The report may build upon the journal entries but should not be copied verbatim from them.


  • Assignments > Structured Final Report folder
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2551/FAS2551A Final Report_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

To improve the FASS Internship Programme for future cohorts, please fill our " Student Internship Evaluation Form":

Assignments > Student Internship Evaluation Form folder

Workplace Supervisor Feedback - Remaining 30% of grade

  • Your Workplace Supervisor's Feedback is submitted as Employer Evaluation via a link sent to them.

FAS2552 / FAS2552A

Assessment Tasks of FAS2552 / FAS2552A
(Assessment Tasks are the same for both courses)

Deadlines  Specific Assessment Tasks Navigating NUS TalentConnect and CANVAS
Due end of Week 1 of the internship/semester

Work Plan - 10% of grade

  • To be composed in consultation with Workplace Supervisor, and including the following information regarding the internship:
    • Description of the project or objectives
    • Intended learning outcomes
    • Description of work duties

NUS TalentConnect

  • Accept the internship by clicking ACCEPT OFFER.
  • Take note of the Job ID number on NUS TalentConnect (NTC ID no).


Assignments > Experiential Learning Placement Record and Work Plan folder

First entry due end of Week 2

Fortnightly Journal Entries – 30% of grade

  • 200 words per entry.
  • To describe work done, what was learned, the relationship with colleagues and supervisors, etc., and any reflection upon the above.
  • AA to view


  • Assignments > Fortnightly Journal Entry folders
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2552/FAS2552A Journal Entry X_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

Due at the close of the internship or end of course window, whichever is earlier

Final Deadline

24 Nov 2023, 2359 hour (Internship     Period: AY2023/24 Semester 1)

3 May 2024, 2359 hour (Internship     Period: AY2023/24 Semester 2)

*Missing the deadline may result in a CU grade.

Structured Final Report – 30% of grade

  • 2,000 words.

Section 1:

  • To conduct an informational interview with at least one person currently working in the company or organization, and write a report based on it. The focus could be on:
    • how the industry operates
    • what the company does
    • what the particular business unit does or even just what the particular employee does.
  • The interview could be done informally, and need not be done all in one sitting.

Section 2:

  • To include the following components:
    • Summary description of the internship
      • Objectives, schedule, and principal activities performed.
    • Reflection upon the internship experience
      • Learning outcomes achieved, including social and personal as well as any technical skills acquired; comparison of the outcome with the statement in the Work.
    • Closing remarks
      • May take the form of some advice to juniors who might want to take up a similar internship in the future.
    • Acknowledgment
      • For training provided by employer, assistance received from other persons during training, etc.
  • Note: The report may build upon the journal entries but should not be copied verbatim from them.


  • Assignments > Structured Final Report folder
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2552/FAS2552A Final Report_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

To improve the FASS Internship Programme for future cohorts, please fill our " Student Internship Evaluation Form":

Assignments > Student Internship Evaluation Form folder

Workplace Supervisor Feedback - Remaining 30% of grade

  • Your Workplace Supervisor's Feedback is submitted as Employer Evaluation via a link sent to them.

FAS2553 / FAS2553A

Assessment Tasks of FAS2553 / FAS2553A
(Assessment Tasks are the same for both courses)

Deadlines   Specific Assessment Tasks Navigating NUS TalentConnect and CANVAS
Due end of Week 1 of the internship/semester

Work Plan - 10% of grade

  • To be composed in consultation with Workplace Supervisor, and including the following information regarding the internship:
    • Description of the project or objectives
    • Intended learning outcomes
    • Description of work duties

NUS TalentConnect

  • Accept the internship by clicking ACCEPT OFFER.
  • Take note of the Job ID number on NUS TalentConnect (NTC ID no).


Assignments > Fortnightly Journal Entry folders

First entry due end of Week 2

Fortnightly Journal Entries – 30% of grade

  • 150 words per entry.
  • To describe work done, what was learned, the relationship with colleagues and supervisors, etc., and any reflection upon the above.
  • AA to view.


  • Assignments > Fortnightly Journal Entry folders
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2553/FAS2553A Journal Entry X_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no

Due at the close of the internship or end of course window, whichever is earlier

Final Deadline

14 Jul 2023, 2359 hour (Internship     Period: AY2022/23 Special Term)

19 Jul 2024, 2359 hour (Internship     Period: AY2023/24 Special Term)

*Missing the deadline may result in a CU grade.

Structured Final Report – 30% of grade

  • 1,000 words.
  • To include the following components:
    • Summary description of the internship
      • Objectives, schedule, and principal activities performed.
    • Reflection upon the internship experience
      • Learning outcomes achieved, including social and personal as well as any technical skills acquired; comparison of the outcome with the statement in the Work.
    • Closing remarks
      • May take the form of some advice to juniors who might want to take up a similar internship in the future.
    • Acknowledgment
      • For training provided by employer, assistance received from other persons during training, etc.
  • Note: The report may build upon the journal entries but should not be copied verbatim from them.


  • Assignments > Structured Final Report folder
  • Please name your file in the following format before uploading: <FAS2553/FAS2553A Final Report_Matriculated Name_Matriculated Number_Organisation_NTC ID no>

To improve the FASS Internship Programme for future cohorts, please fill our " Student Internship Evaluation Form":

Assignments > Student Internship Evaluation Form folder

Workplace Supervisor Feedback - Remaining 30% of grade

  • Your Workplace Supervisor's Feedback is submitted as Employer Evaluation via a link sent to them.
Deadlines to Drop Courses

Note: Only applicable to Special Term Internships documented with courses FAS2553 and FAS2553A.

Week of Internship

(based on start date of internship)

Week 1 - 2 No penalty
Week 3 - 4 W
Week 5 onwards F
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