FASS Internship Programme


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Internships for the FASS Internship Programme (FASS IP) do not have to be closely tied to specific disciplinary training offered by FASS departments (e.g., Economics, History, etc). They only need to reflect the range of jobs that the majority of fresh FASS graduates will apply for, i.e., internships that can utilise the critical and analytical skills that distinguish our graduates. An internship may be paid or unpaid and is characterised by:

  1. On-the-job training rather than merely employment
  2. Intentional learning goals for the interns
  3. Close supervision

For more guideline for internships, please refer to NUS Centre for Future-ready Graduates website for employers.

Recruitment of Interns

Post Internships on NUS TalentConnect

Employers wishing to recruit students should post their internships in the semester/term prior to the internship period, or earlier, on NUS TalentConnect. After logging onto NUS TalentConnect:

1. Select Arts & Social Sciences Internship for "Position Type".

2. Restrict to FASS Internship Programme for the relevant course and semester.

Make Internship Offers

Employers have to make internship offers to students by the following deadlines, according to the respective internship period.

Internship Period AY2024/25
Semester 1 Semester 2 Special Term
12 Aug 2024


29 Nov 2024

13 Jan 2025


2 May 2025

13 May 2024


19 Jul 2024

Deadlines 19 Jul 2024 29 Nov 2024 12 Apr 2024

Important information

1. NUS students who are performing an internship with credit or on Leave of Absence are exempt from CPF contribution. Please see CPF website FAQ: Are CPF contributions payable for interns undergoing an internship programme?

2. FASS Dean's Office issues letters of support to employers (for CPF/MOM workpass exemption and funding opportunities) for students who intern with FASS courses FAS2551, FAS2551A, FAS2552, FAS2552A, FAS2553 and FAS2553A. Letter to employer will be issued upon request for students who intern with Leave of Absence.

Responsibilities of Employers

Appointment of a Workplace Supervisor

We request that the employer appoint a Workplace Supervisor to guide and review the progress of internship. He/She will:

1. Discuss the specifics of the internship and Work Plan with the student

2. Endorse student's report before submission (if necessary)

3. Once the internship is completed, feedback on student's performance by completing the Employer Evaluation (the Workplace Supervisor’s feedback accounts for a significant part of the grade the student will receive for the internship course)

Completion of Employer Evaluation

Workplace Supervisor is requested to fill out the Employer Evaluation. Please refer to the table on the close of course date respective to the internship period, and the steps involved in completing the Employer Evaluation.

Internship Period AY2024/25
Semester 1 Semester 2 Special Term
12 Aug 2024


29 Nov 2024

13 Jan 2025


2 May 2025

13 May 2024


19 Jul 2024

Close of Course Dates 29 Nov 2024 2 May 2025 19 Jul 2024
Submission of Employer Evaluation - Remaining 30% of grade
  • Workplace Supervisor's Feedback is submitted as Employer Evaluation via a link sent to them from the FASSIP administrator.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, or wish to find out more about offering internship opportunities to our students, kindly contact the FASS IP Administrator at fassip@nus.edu.sg.


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