Discover FASS Students’ Internship Insights

Planning to embark on an internship?

Internship in Year 1

Find out more about the internship search and application process, challenges, and tips to successfully secure an internship!

  • Pierce Lee Jiong Li: Exploring Social Work, Storytelling and Community Impact at SAVH
  • Katherine Toh Shi Min: Professional and Personal Growth as an Educator at PAP Community Foundation
  • Zou Yinan: Discovering New Areas of Interest at Amaris.Ai
Find out more

Meet Your Seniors

Find out more about their experiences, takeaways and tips to ace the internship!

  • Tai Dae Ern: Embracing the Unknown at Kerry Consulting
  • Lydia Sing Ying Wei: Achieve real-world impact at DB Schenker
  • Lim Hui Shan: Live Your Passion at the Ministry of Trade and Industry
  • Dominic Ong: Carve Experiences to Gain Skills and Expertise at Goldman Sachs
  • Lee Yen Yee: Learn the Hard (and Heart) Work in Serving Others at MSF
  • Elijah Wong: Build the Confidence to Step into New Horizons at IBM
Find out more

Internship in Year 1


Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH) |
Public Education and Relations Intern

“Try even if you don’t know. Try even if you have little confidence. There is literally no time better to experiment other than during internship period”.

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PAP Community Foundation |
Mother Tongue Language Teaching Intern

"Be patient and open to feedback and learning."

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Amaris.Ai | Product Development Intern

"Start searching early and be aware of the industries’ hiring cycle. ”

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Meet your Seniors

Dae Ern

Kerry Consulting |
Financial Services Team

"During my internship, I not only gained valuable insights into working world, but also learned more about my strengths and weaknesses."

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Internship Feature Photo - Dominic

Goldman Sachs |
Operations Intern

"I had a fruitful and fulfilling internship, because I found a role which I saw myself doing in the years to come, and especially within such a warm and collaborative environment!"

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Lydia Sing Ying Wei

DB Schenker |
Sustainability Intern

"Study what you love and intern in what you aspire to do will make the time spent so much more meaningful."

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Yen Yee

Ministry of Social and Family Development |
Clinical and Forensic Psychology Services Part-Time Intern

"It gave a realistic insight into the industry and the amount of hard (and heart) work that is put in to serve others."

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Hui Shan_Website
Hui Shan

Ministry of Trade and Industry |
North America and Europe Division

"Overall, it gave me a greater understanding of my career aspirations, and greater confidence in my ability to achieve them."

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IBM Technology Sales Enablement Team |
Program Manager Intern

"It has given me the confidence and conviction to pursue a career in the technology industry as a graduate from the Arts and Social Sciences."

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For more information, please contact the FASS IP Administrator at

If you are planning on embarking on a credit-bearing internship, click here to find out more.

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