Gender and Sexuality Cluster

Research Clusters 2024 (1)

About Us

At the National University of Singapore's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the GSRC fosters lively discussions on gender and sexuality, particularly within the Asian context. We aim to create a space for ongoing intellectual exchange on the following topics.

The GSRC's research tackles critical issues surrounding gender and sexuality in Asia. We explore how to build strong and inclusive communities, while also examining the powerful influence of popular and digital culture in shaping these identities. This focus is crucial because it recognizes the impact of culture and community on gender and sexuality, leading to a more nuanced understanding of these experiences in the Asian context.

Find out more about us on our blog.

Our media features can be found here.

News & Events

Steering Committee

Associate Professor, English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Contact linguistics; Language, gender, and sexuality; Linguistic Anthropology; Austronesian languages
Assistant Professor, Communications & New Media
Transnational feminism; Queer studies; Affect and emotion; Digital ethnography; East Asian media and popular cultures
Associate Professor, English, Linguistics and Theatre Studies
Sociolinguistics; Language Variation and Change; Multilingual Acquisition
Lecturer, Japanese Studies
Contemporary Japanese society; Gender and sexuality; Transgender studies; Popular culture; Migration and mobilities; Social movements
Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology
Gender and Sexuality; Family Sociology; Southeast Asia; Ethnography; and Visual methods
Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Politics of transportation; Infrastructure; Class relations; Gender in contemporary Indian cities

Cluster Members

Contact Us

Gender and Sexuality Research Cluster

Find out more about us on our blog.

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 6
5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570