Distinguished Lecture – Hypnotic Ecologies and Thin Description in the Study of Southeast Asian Buddhist Art (14 October 2022)

Distinguished Lecture – Hypnotic Ecologies and Thin Description in the Study of Southeast Asian Buddhist Art (14 October 2022)

October 28, 2022

Here are some of the highlights from the distinguished lecture “Hypnotic Ecologies and Thin Description in the Study of Southeast Asian Buddhist Art” by Professor Justin McDaniel (University of Pennsylvania) at the inaugural FASS Distinguished Lecture Series in Buddhist Studies!


Welcome and Opening Remarks by Assistant Professor Jack Meng-Tat Chia, Convener of Lecture Series (NUS Department of History)
Introduction of Distinguished Speaker by Associate Professor Irving Johnson (NUS Department of Southeast Asian Studies)
Lecture by Distinguished Speaker, Professor Justin McDaniel (University of Pennsylvania)

Q & A and Discussion, Moderated by A/P Irving Johnson

Presentation of Token of Appreciation by Guest of Honor Professor Tulika Mitra, Vice Provost (National University of Singapore)

Closing of Event by Loh An Lin, emcee

Dr Jack Meng-Tat Chia, Tan Guan Fan (artist of token of appreciation), Prof Justin McDaniel, and A/P Irving Johnson