Critical Education Research Cluster

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About Us

Critical education research is centered on the principles of critical pedagogy which seeks to interrogate how social structures shape the ways we come to know and experience the world. By drawing attention to inequalities and inspiring new modes of thinking, critical pedagogy aims to advance social justice through education. Drawing on these principles, the critical education cluster will focus on questions of power, philosophy and practice within education in order to provide contextualised approaches to change-making. We are committed to connecting with educators in Singapore and across Southeast Asia to advance an understanding of how education is shaping lives and changing the social dynamics throughout the region.

Steering Committee

Associate Professor, Geography
Feminist Pedagogy, Geography Education, Transformative Learning, Advocacy Research
Senior Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology
Education, Youth, Class Inequality, Economics, Cambodia
Lecturer, Philosophy
Philosophy of Education, Social Epistemology, History of Philosophy

Cluster Members

Senior Lecturer, Communications and New Media
Play, Interdisciplinarity
Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology
Decoloniality, Southern Theories, Relational Pedagogies
Associate Professor, Architecture
Critical Pedagogy in Professional Schools, Anachronism and Presentism
Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology
Social Fairness, Environmental Justice, and Empowerment
Lecturer, Geography
Care, Feminist Pedagogy, Geographical Education
Associate Professor, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
Theatre, Dramaturgy, Embodiment
Lecturer, NUS College
Environment, Service Learning, Public Policy
Lecturer, Political Science
Relationality, Culturally Responsive Pedagogies, Emancipatory Pedagogies
Lecturer, NUS College
Engaged, Inclusive, Dialogic
Lecturer, Sociology and Anthropology
Intentional Interactions, Feminist Pedagogy, Presence/Visibility
Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology
Geopolitics, Gender, Mobility

Contact Us

Critical Education Research Cluster

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 6
5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570