Language and Linguistics Cluster

About Us
The Language and Linguistics Cluster brings together researchers from across FASS investigating the phenomenon of human language from diverse and complementary disciplinary perspectives. The cluster is organized around three main strands: Language and Cognition, Language and Logic, and Language and Society. Strand activities include regular reading groups and a seminar series in which prominent international scholars are invited to share their research and exchange ideas with the NUS community. The Cluster aims to foster new interdisciplinary collaborations and further strengthen the international reputation of NUS as a centre of excellence for the study of language, as well as to advance understanding of the rich linguistic ecology of Singapore and Southeast Asia.
The Cluster has two ongoing activities, the Sociolinguistics reading group led by A/P Rebecca Starr and the Syntax-semantics reading group led by Dr Michael Yoshitaka Erlewine. Kindly email the respective researchers if you are interested in joining or would like to know more.
News & Events
Steering Committee
Contact Us
Language and Linguistics Cluster
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
National University of Singapore
The Shaw Foundation Building, Block AS7, Level 6
5 Arts Link, Singapore 117570