Seminars & Workshops
CFPR Lunchtime Seminar Series
All talks are free and open to the NUS community and the general public. Registration is required.
All seminars are conducted online via Zoom at 12 pm unless stated otherwise.
The 2025 CFPR Seminar Series is coordinated by Mu Zheng, Kriti Vikram, Senhu Wang, and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan.
13 Jan: Economic Inequality and Demographic Outcomes in China
by Professor Yu Xie, Princeton University
by Professor William Dow, University of California, Berkeley
21 Feb: Neonatal Death and Quality of Care in Public and Private Hospitals in rural North India
by Professor Diane Coffey, University of Texas at Austin
3 Mar: Early-Life War Trauma and Later-Life Health with a Focus on Vietnam
by Professor Zachary Zimmer, Mount Saint Vincent University
7 Mar: Deinstitutionalizing Overwork and Women in the Workplace
by Dr. Ohjae Gowen, Singapore Management University
by Professor Aeneas Zi Wang, Nanjing University
by Professor Yao Lu, Columbia University
The 2024 CFPR Seminar Series is coordinated by Mu Zheng, Kriti Vikram, Senhu Wang, and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan.
by Professor Zhenchao Qian, Brown University
by Associate Professor Ryota Mugiyama, Gakushuin University, Japan
11 Oct: Of Jobs and Men: An AI-assisted Approach for Studying Skills Mismatch in Hong Kong
by Professor Xu Duoduo, University of Hong Kong
20 Sep: Childhood Exposure to School Expansion and Changes in Inter-Caste Marriage in India
by Associate Professor Luca Maria Pesando, New York University Abu Dhabi (NYU-AD)
by Dr. Minne Chen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
by Professor Shelley Clark, McGill University
by Dr. Xiaorong Gu, University of Suffolk & Senior Professor Doris Bühler-Niederberger, University of Wuppertal
by Professor Sandra Torres, Uppsala University
8 Mar: An Empirical Investigation of the Left-Right Political Fertility Gap
by Dr. Sinn Won Han, University of Hong Kong
by Associate Professor Kate Choi, Western University
24 Jan: Successfully Aging Alone?: Rising Risks in Family-Based Models of Care Cross-Nationally
by Associate Professor Christine Mair, University of Maryland
by Dr. Daniel Goodkind, Independent Researcher
The 2023 CFPR Seminar Series is coordinated by Mu Zheng, Kriti Vikram, Senhu Wang, and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan.
Past seminars
3 Nov: Union History and Midlife Health Outcomes
by Professor Zhenchao Qian, Brown University
by Professor Ming Wen, University of Hong Kong
19 Oct: Understanding and Responding to Loneliness in Later Life: The Role of Emerging Technologies
by Dr. Barbara Barbosa Neves, Senior Lecturer of Sociology, Monash University
13 Oct: Emerging Scholars in the Demography of Singapore
by Jolene Tan (ANU) & Jeremy Lim (Duke-NUS)
8 Sep: Marital Choice as an Indicator of Marital Agency in Rural India
by Professor Anita Raj, the Nancy Reeves Dreux Endowed Chair, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Tulane University
18 Aug: Centering Singlehood in Family Research
by Professor Susan L. Brown, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Bowling Green State University
29 Mar: Demographic Rates Cast Long Shadows: The Case for a Demography of Kinship
by Dr. Diego ALBUREZ-GUITERREZ, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
24 Mar: Trends in Mental Health and Wellbeing in Singapore
by Dr. Borame L. DICKENS, National University of Singapore
17 Mar: Gender, Educational Expansion, and Polarization of Aspirations: South Korea as an Illustrative Case
by Dr. Eunsil OH, University of Wisconsin-Madison
by Professor Man-Yee KAN, University of Oxford
by Dr. Angran LI, New York University Shanghai
3 Mar: The Internet Use and the Marriage and Childbearing Intention of Chinese College Students
by Professor Ting LI, Renmin University of China
17 Feb: Gender, Poverty, and Long-term Educational Attainment in China's Rural Northwest
by Professor Emily HANNUM, University of Pennsylvania
by Professor TONG Yuying, Chinese University of Hong Kong
by A/Professor Ekatarina HERTOG, University of Oxford
27 Jan: Study Gods: How the New Chinese Elite Prepare for Global Competition
by A/Professor Yi-Lin CHIANG, National Chengchi University
13 Jan: The Second Demographic Transition: Origin, Theory, Facts With Special Reference to Asian Cases
by Professor Ron LESTHAEGHE, Free Uni-versity Brussels (VUB)
The 2022 CFPR Seminar Series is coordinated by Kriti Vikram, Senhu Wang, and Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan
Past Seminars
11 Nov: Invisible, Unpaid and Unrecognised Understanding the Mental Health Effects of Being a Young Carer
by Dr. Tania KING, Senior Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne
4 Nov: The Media and Public (Mis)Perception of Inequality in China
by A/Professor Xi SONG, Department of Sociology and Population Studies Center, The University of Pennsylvania
Co-Organized by the Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR) and Department of Sociology & Anthropology
28 Oct: Elders as Perpetrators of Crime: Theorising Geriatric Criminality
by A/Professor Ganapathy NARAYANAN, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, National University of Singapore
Co-Organized by the Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR) and Department of Sociology & Anthropology
14 Oct: Key Findings from Asia Aging: What We Know (and Have Yet to Know)
by Dr Wan HE, Aging Research Program Director, International Programs Center, Population Division, U.S Census Bureau
Dr Daniel GOODKIND, International Programs Center, Population Division, U.S Census Bureau
7 Oct: Digital Enclaves: Mate Preferences and Platform Choices Among Chinese Immigrant Online Daters
by A/Professor Yue QIAN, Department of Sociology, The University of British Columbia
27 Sep: Mothers’ Employment Trajectories, Divorce, and Economic Well-Being
by Professor James RAYMO, Henry Wendt III Professor of East Asian Studies, Department of Sociology, Princeton University
16 Sep: Publishing in Population Sciences: Editors’ Perspectives
by Professor Sara CURRAN,
Center Director for Studies in Demography and Ecology, University of Washington
A/Professor FENG Qiushi,
Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Deputy Director of CFPR, National University of Singapore
9 Sep: Late Bloomers and Middle-Class Safety Net: Learning Catch Up among Adolescents in India
by Professor Sonalde DESAI, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland, National Council of Applied Economic Research
2 Sep: The Return of the Deadbeat Dad: Vulnerable Legalities and Parental Maintenance Laws in Taiwan
by A/Professor Lynette CHUA, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
9 Aug: Changes in Work and Care under COVID-19: Implications for the Recovery
by Professor Leah RUPPANNER, Professor in Sociology, Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne
12 Aug: Local Contact and Sense of Belonging to the Host Society among Highly Educated Migrants
by Professor Eric FONG, Professor, Chair in Sociology, Head, Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong
Co-Organized by the Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR) and the Department of Sociology & Anthropology
13 Apr: Familial Care Practices and Needs of Southeast Asian Queer Migrants
by Dr. QUAH Ee Ling, Sharon, Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong
1 Apr: Intergenerational Relationship in Contemporary China: How Culture Matters?
by Professor HU Anning, Department of Sociology, Fudan University
by Dr. Esha CHATTERJEE, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
18 Mar: Biological Consequences of Toxic Social Relationships for Men and Women Across the Lifecourse
by Professor Chandola TARANI, Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong
by A/Professor David REHKOPF, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health and Department of Medicine, Stanford University
4 Mar: Egalitarianisms, Agreeableness, and Mobility: Gender Ideologies and Their Correlates in Tamil Nadu
by A/Professor Keera ALLENDORF, Department of Sociology, Indiana University
25 Feb: The Digital Revolution and Gender Equality: Perspectives From Digital Demography
by A/Professor Ridhi KASHYAP, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford
18 Feb: Older Adults’ Vulnerability and Resilience to Disasters
by A/Professor CONG Zhen, School of Social Work, University of Texas at Arlington
by A/Professor HU Yang, Department of Sociology, Lancaster University
4 Feb: Population Dynamics Under Global Climate Change
by Professor MUTTARAK Raya, Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Bologna
28 Jan: Early-Life War Exposure and Later-Life Frailty Among Older Adults in Vietnam: Does War Hasten Aging?
by Professor Zachary ZIMMER, Department of Family Studies and Gerontology, Mount Saint Vincent University
by Dr. WANG Senhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore
by Professor Monica DAS GUPTA, Department of Sociology, University of Maryland
Past Seminars
12 Nov: An Empirical Exposé of Graeber’s Useless Jobs Hypothesis
by Professor Brendan BURCHELL, Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge
8 Nov: Stratified Fertility Responses to China’s Changing Family Planning Policy
by Dr. Hao DONG, Assistant Professor, Centre for Social Research, Peking University
29 Oct: Negotiating Motherhood and Childcare: Marriage Migrants, Class, and Situated Agency in Singapore
by Dr. Bernice LOH, Postdoctoral Fellow, SGLeads, Centre for Family and Population Research, National University of Singapore
by A/Professor Man-Yee KAN, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford
15 Oct: Loneliness Among Sexual Minority Older Adults in the United States
by Professor Cathy Hui LIU, Department of Sociology and Family and Population Health Laboratory, Michigan State University
by Dr. Kyungmin KIM, Assistant Professor, Department of Child Development and Family Studies, Seoul National University
1 Oct: End-of-life Decisions: A Review of Literature and Implications for Thailand
by A/Professor Nopphol WITVORAPONG, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University
23 Sep: The Impact of a Poverty Reduction Intervention on Infant Brain Activity
by Professor Greg DUNCAN, University of California, Irvine and Dr. Sonya TROLLER-RENFREE, Columbia University
by Dr. Jinho KIM, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Korea University
by A/Professor Kristina GÖRANSSON, School of Social Work, Lund University
3 Sep: Being Modern to Be Traditional: State, Religion, and Chinese Muslims’ Cohabitation
by Dr. MU Zheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore
27 Aug: How Does Surviving War Age the Body and Mind? Analysis of Subjective Age in Vietnam
by Professor Kim KORINEK, Department of Sociology, University of Utah
20 Aug: Obstetric Interventions, Neonatal Health, and Child Development
by A/Professor Kayuet LIU, Department of Sociology, UCLA
13 Aug: The Link Between Marriage and Fertility and Changing Pathways to First Marriage in Japan
by Professor James RAYMO, Department of Sociology, Princeton University
30 Apr: Parenting for Success: The Value of Children and Intensive Parenting in Post-reform China
by Dr. GU Xiaorong, Research Fellow in Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (NUS)
23 Apr: Intergenerational Contact Zones: Place-Based Strategies for Promoting Social Inclusion and Belonging
by A/Prof THANG Leng Leng, Head of the Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore (NUS)
16 Apr: Early Marriage and Health of Women in Later Life: A Multicounty Study
by Dr. Kriti VIKRAM, Assistant Professor, Dept of Sociology, National University of Singapore (NUS)
9 Apr: Migration and Marriage Timing in Indonesia: A Dynamic Model
by Dr. BIAN Xiaochen, Research Fellow, Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI) at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS
by A/Prof Joonmo SON, Dept of Sociology, National University of Singapore (NUS)
26 Mar: Social, Emotional and Economic Wellbeing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
by Dr. Mathews MATHEW, Senior Research Fellow, Head Lab, LKYSPP, National University of Singapore (NUS)
by Dr. Cheng CHENG, Assistant Professor of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University (SMU)
12 Mar: Transcendent Parenting in Asia’s digitally-connected families
by Prof. LIM Sun Sun, Communication and Technology and Head of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
5 Mar: Opting Out or Left Out? Gendered Pathways to Singlehood in South Korea
by Dr. Paul Y. CHANG, Associate Professor of Sociology, Harvard University
by Dr. CHEN Luxi, Postdoctoral Fellow, SGLeads, Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR), NUS
by Prof. Ken YAMADA, Economics, Kyoto University
29 Jan: A Neuroscience Perspective on Fairness Perception in Singaporean Preschoolers
by Dr. Nastassja L. FISCHER, Research Associate, SGLeads, Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR), National University of Singapore (NUS)
2 Jan: The Roads One Must Walk Down: Journey to Work and Depression for Beijing’s Residents
by Dr. WANG Xize, Assistant Professor, Department of Real Estate, National University of Singapore (NUS)
15 Jan: Fertility Decline and Trends in Educational Gender Inequality in China
by Prof. WU Xiaogang, Yufeng Global Professor of Social Science, Director of Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER), NYU Shanghai and Professor of Sociology, NYU
Past Seminars
13 Nov: Education as care labor: expanding our lens on the work-life balance problem
by A/Prof TEO You Yenn, Provost's Chair in Sociology, School of Social Sciences, NTU
by Dr WANG Julia Shu-Huah, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, the University of Hong Kong
23 Oct: SES Differentials in Singaporean Preschoolers’ Time Use Patterns
by Dr LEE Jiyeon, Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Family and Population Research, NUS
by Dr JIANG Shaohai, Assistant Professor, Department of Communications and New Media, NUS
9 Oct: Family SES and Young Singaporean Children's Achievement
by Dr. CHEN Xuejiao, Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Family and Population Research, NUS
by Dr Shannon ANG, Assistant Professor, School of Social Sciences, NTU
18 Sep: Adult Children’s Transition to Marriage and Older Parents’ Subjective Well-being
by Dr HU Shu, Head, Sociology Programme, and Dr KO Pei-Chun, Lecturer, Centre for University Core, SUSS
by Dr TAN Poh Lin, Assistant Professor, Lee Kuan Yew, School of Public Policy, NUS
28 August: Affirmative Action in Malaysia and South Africa: Preference for Parity
by Dr HWOK Aun LEE, Senior Fellow, Regional Economic Studies, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS)-Yusof Ishak
14 August: Development of Ageing Policies and Long Term Care Services in China
by Prof DU Peng , Vice-President of Renmin University of China, Director and Professor of the Institute of Gerontology, Renmin University of China
by Prof. WU Bei, Dean's Professor in Global Health, Director, Global Health & Aging Research, Director for Research, Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing
31 January: A Creative Ageing City for Second Beginnings
by A/Prof. CHONG Keng Hua, Architecture and Sustainable Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
24 January: Religion and Living Arrangements Around the World
by Dr Stephanie KRAMER, Research Associate, Religion and Public Life, Pew Research Center
17 January: Reciprocal Effects between Health and Social Support in Older Adults’ Social Relationships
by Prof. Jung-Hwa HA, Department of Social Welfare, Seoul National University (SNU)
10 January: Aging and Health Among Hispanics, America’s Largest Minority Population
by Prof. Kyriakos MARKIDES, Annie and John Gnitzinger Distinguished Professor of Aging, Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Texas Medical Branch (UMTB), Galveston
Past Seminars
8 November: Sensitivity to Vowel, Consonant and Tone Variation in Early Childhood
by Dr Dilu WEWALAARACHCHI, Infant and Child Language Centre, Department of Psychology, National University of Singapore
1 November: Measuring Singapore and Asia Multi-dimensional Adaptation to Societal Ageing
by Asst Prof Cynthia CHEN, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore
25 October: Time, Legal Mobilization and Filial Piety Laws
by A/Prof Lynette CHUA, Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore
11 October: From High School to College: Gender, Race-Ethnicity and Immigrant Generation
by Prof Charles HIRSCHMAN, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of Washington and Boeing International Professor, Department of Sociology and Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance
(co-organized with ALSET)
4 October: Disguised Pollution in China and Its Impact on Health
by Asst Prof Yu QIN, Dept of Real Estate, National University of Singapore
20 September: Unmet Needs of Low-income Single Parents in Singapore
by A/Prof John. A DONALDSON, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University
6 September: Families of Choice: The Role of Community Connectedness on Sexual and Mental Health Outcomes among YGBQ Men
by Mr Rayner TAN, Ph.D. Candidate, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore and National Uuniversity Hospital of Singapore
30 August: Does Health Insurance Make People Happier? Evidence from the Affordable Care Act Medicaid Expansion in the U.S.
by Asst Prof Seonghoon KIM, School of Economics, Singapore Management University and Research Affiliate, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Germany
23 August: Marriage and Divorce Patterns in Indonesia: Five Decades of Change, 1967-2017
by A/Prof Dommaraju PREMCHAND, Sociology, Director of Applied Gerontology Programme, Nanyang Technological University
16 August: Findings from Neighbourhoods for Active Kids: A Mixed-methods Study of Child Health and Neighbourhood Environments
by A/Prof Melody SMITH, Deputy Head (Research), School of Nursing, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
(co-organized with Dept of Geography)
26 April: Alternatives to Aging Alone?: “Kinlessness” and the Potential Importance of Friends
by Dr Christine MAIR, Associate Professor of Sociology in the interdisciplinary Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Health Administration & Policy at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), and holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health in the School of Medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)
12 April: Marriage Trends in Singapore and China: What issues should we be focusing on?
by Professor Emeritus Gavin JONES, Australian National University, and Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Changing Family in Asia Cluster, ARI, NUS
29 March: Left Behind or Active Aging? Rural Land and Old-age Support in China amid the Welfare Crisis
by Asst Prof Shaohua ZHAN, School of Social Sciences, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, NTU
22 March: Racial Revolution: Understanding the Resurgence of Ethnic Minority Identity in Modern China
by Visiting A/Prof Andrew FRANCIS-TAN, Lee Kuan Yew, School of Public Policy, NUS
15 March: An Empirical Examination of Sustainability of Women’s Empowerment Using Panel Data from India
by Asst Prof Namrata CHINDARKAR, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Faculty Associate, Institute of Water Policy, NUS
11 March: Are Indonesian Older Persons Adequately Financed?
by Prof Aris ANANTA, President, Asian Population Association, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia and Dr Evi Nurvidya ARIFIN, Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Respati Indonesia
8 March: Demographic Profiles and Gendered Migration Consequences in Rural China: A Life Course Perspective
by A/Prof TONG Yuying, Department of sociology, Director, Centre for Chinese Family Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Assistant Dean (Research), Faculty of Social Science, CUHK
1 March: Raising the Secure Child in Insecure Times: How Affluent, Unemployed Parents Maintain Privilege
by Asst Prof Aliya HAMID RAO, Sociology, School of Social Sciences, SMU
22 February: Online interaction, social engagement, and out-group trust
by Pildoo SUNG, PhD candidate, Department of Sociology, NUS
15 February: Do Elderly Parent's Intended Bequest Share Vary with a Child's Living Proximity and Material Support? Evidence from the Singapore Life Panel
by A/Prof Christine HO, School of Economics, SMU
8 February: Pants on fire: How children learn to lie
by Asst Prof DING Xiaopan, Department of Psychology, NUS
18 January: Selection, Gender and the Impact of Schooling Type in the Urban Slums of Dhaka
by Dr Saima KHAN, Postdoctoral Fellow, CFPR, NUS
25 January: Poverty and preschoolers’ developmental outcomes
by CHEN Xuejiao, PhD candidate, Department of Sociology, NUS
Past Seminars
16 November: Genomic advances and its impacts on social sciences
by Professor GUO Guang, Dr. George and Alice Wells Distinguished Professor, Department of Sociology, UNC-CH
2 November: Examining the effects of social capital on health among Australian adults with long-term health conditions, impairments and disabilities
by Dr LEE Jeong Kyu, Assistant Professor, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS
26 October: Exploring Social Networks of Older Singaporean Learners: A Mixed Methods Approach
by Dr KO Pei-Chun, Research Fellow, jointly appointed with Changing Family in Asia Cluster, Asia Research Institute (ARI), NUS
19 October: Families in Southeast and South Asia
by Professor YEUNG Wei-Jun Jean, Director, Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR), Provost's Chair Professor, Department of Sociology, NUS and Cluster Leader, Changing Family in Asia, Asia Research Institute (ARI)
12 October: The Effects of Cognitive Appraisal and Coping Flexibility on Emotional Outcomes
by Dr CHEN Luxi, Postdoctoral Fellow, SG Leads (CFPR)
4 October: Childlessness and Aging Alone: Comparative Perspectives from East and Southeast Asia
by Associate Professor of Sociology Lee Kong Chian Fellow Bussarawan Puk TEERAWICHITCHAINAN, School of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University
28 September: Air Pollution, Student Health, and School Absences: Evidence from China
by CHEN Siyu, 5th year PhD candidate, Department of Economics, NUS
21 September: Trajectories of Insecurity: Young Adults' Employment Entry, Health and Well-Being
by Professor of Sociology Sonja DROBNIČ, University of Bremen, Germany and Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Asia Research Institute, NUS
7 September: Social Norms and Fertility
by Assistant Professor YI Junjian, Department of Economics, NUS
31 August: Does Adversity Affect Long-Term Financial Behaviour? Evidence from China’s Rustication Programme
by Assistant Professor FAN Yi, Department of Real Estate, School of Design and Environment, NUS
24 August: Lineage Networks and Primary Schools in Rural China
by Associate Professor Felicia F. TIAN, Department of Sociology, Fudan University
21 August: Migration, Aging and Health in Western Countries
by Professor Kyriakos S. Markides, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
20 April: Development of China’s Social Governance: From Structure Change to System Construction
by Professor LI Youmei, Chairperson of the Chinese Sociological Association, First Vice President of Shanghai Academy, Professor of Shanghai University, Vice Director of the Higher Education Advisory Board for Sociology under the Ministry of Education, an expert on the discipline review panel under the National Social Science Fund of China, judge for the important bid invitation projects in social science under the Ministry of Education, Chairperson of Shanghai Sociological Association, Vice Chairperson of Shanghai Federation of Social Science Associations, Editor-in-Chief, and Director of the Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Sociology (CJS) and Director of the Research Centre for Local Governance..more
13 April: Mobile apps and the informal caregiving of elders in Singapore
by Associate Professor THANG Leng Leng, Deputy Director, Centre for Family and Population Research (CFPR), Department of Japanese Studies, NUS, Fellow, College of Alice and Peter Tan, NUS
6 April: Protecting and Perfecting the Muslim Family: Marriage and Parenthood Programmes in Malaysia and Singapore
by Associate Professor Maznah MOHAMAD, Department of Malay Studies and Department of Southeast Asian Studies, NUS and Dr Suriani SURATMAN, Senior Lecturer, Department of Malay Studies, NUS
14 March: Incentives, Contract Design and Pension Contribution: Evidence from Sri Lanka
by Dr SONG Chang Cheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, NUS
23 February: Family and Population Changes in Singapore
by Dr HU Shu, Research Fellow, Jointly appointed with Changing Family in Asia Cluster, Asia Research Institute (ARI), NUS
2 February: Becoming Adult in Globalizing Shanghai
by Associate Professor SHEN Ke, Demography and Vice Dean of School of Social Development and Public Policy at Fudan University
26 January: Music as Medicine-Can singing together prevent cognitive decline in aging?
by Dr FENG Lei, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological Medicine, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Past Seminars & Workshops
24 November: For Money or for a Life: A Mixed-Method Study on Migration and Time Use in China
by Dr Mu Zheng, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, NUS
17 November: The New Modality and Cost-effective Approach in Functional Brain Imaging - Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
by A/P Roger Ho, Associate Professor and Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Psychological Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS
10 November: An Explorative Study on Internet-related Addictions among Adolescents and their Parents in Singapore:
The Relationships with Family Factors
by Dr Yvaine Koh, Postdoctoral Fellow, Asia Research Institute and CFPR, NUS
27 October: Childhood, Emotion and Public Life
by Dr Vinnarasan Aruldoss, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Sussex University
20 October: Effects and Mechanisms of Mindfulness-based Interventions: A Research Overview
by Dr Keng Shian-Ling, Assistant Professor, Division of Social Sciences (Psychology), Yale-NUS College
4 October: Development Implications of Asia's Changing Demography
by Prof Gavin Jones, Emeritus Professor, Australian National University; Associate, Murdoch University
22 September: A New Map of Life: Social Innovation and the Longevity Revolution
(joint with FASS Health Cluster)
by Mr Marc Freedman, Founder and CEO of
15 September: Who Has Bequest Motives?
by A/P Liu Haoming, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, NUS
8 September: Tykes, Tablets, and Tantrums: Investigating Pre-schoolers’ Digital Media Use and Parental Mediation Strategies
by Prof Lim Sun Sun, Professor of Media & Communication, Head of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Singapore University of Technology and Design
25 August: The Mommy Effect: The Impact of Parenthood on Employment and Gender-Role Attitudes
by A/P Jessica Pan, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, and Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, NUS
21 April: From Young Pioneers to Little Red Soldiers: Internationalism and the Making of Mao’s Children
by A/P Xu Lanjun, Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, NUS
31 March: Exploring the Relation between Immigrants and Native Workers: New Evidence using Firms, Occupations and Employment Flows
by Dr Ken Ueda, Postdoctoral Fellow, CFPR and Department of Economics, NUS
30 March: Living Arrangements and Old-Age Psychological Health: Evidence from Myanmmar, Vietnam, and Thailand
by A/P Bussarawan Puk Teerawichitchainan, School of Social Sciences, SMU
24 March: Hurdles and Hopes: An Ecological Analysis of Migrant Children in China
by Dr Gu Xiaorong, Postdoctoral Fellow, Asia Research Institute, NUS
17 March: Problems (and Possible Solutions) for the Recent Crisis in Psychological Research
by A/P Mike Cheung, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, NUS
10 March: Effects of Bilingualism on Language Development in Singaporean Children
by A/P Leher Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, NUS
3 March: Impact of Changing Population Age Structure of Asian Countries on Labour Market (joint with Asia Research Institute)
by Professor Leela Visaria, Honorary Professor, Gujarat Institute of Development Research
17 February: India's Family Planning Programme: Past, Present and Future (joint with Asia Research Institute)
by Professor Leela Visaria, Honorary Professor, Gujarat Institute of Development Research
10 February: Maternal Education and the Multidimensionality of Child Health Outcomes
by Dr Kriti Vikram, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, NUS
3 February: Who benefits from Children in Highly Gendered Society? Exploring the Role of Children's Education in Parental Survival in South Korea
by Dr Lee Yeongjin, Postdoctoral Fellow, Asia Research Institute, NUS
19 January: Distinguished Public Lecture on Family and Population
Postindustrial Low Fertility in Europe and East Asia: Lessons for Singapore
(jointly organised with Global Asia Institute)
Professor Mary Brinton, Reischauer Institute Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Harvard University
18 January: One Egalitarianism or Several? Two Decades of Gender-Role Attitude Change in Europe
Seminar (joint with NUS Department of Sociology) by Professor Mary Brinton, Reischauer Institute Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Harvard University
13 January: Separate & Unequal: Hukou, School Segregation, and Migrant Children's Education in Urban China
by Professor Wu Xiaogang, Professor of Social Science, and Director, Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Past Seminars & Workshops
25 November: CFPR Year-End Celebration
18 November: Too Hot to Hold: The Effects of High Temperatures during Pregnancy on Endowment and Adult Welfare Outcomes
by Mr Zihan Hu, Masters student, and Mr Teng Li, PhD student, Department of Economics, NUS
11 November: Doing Research on Class in Singapore
by A/P Tan Ern Ser, Dept of Sociology; Academic Adviser, Social Lab, Institute of Policy Studies, NUS
1 November: Workshop: Recent Demographic and Family Changes in China
(joint with Chinese Academy of Social Science, CASS)
moderated by Prof Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, Provost's Chair Professor, Department of Sociology, CFPR Director and ARI, NUS
28 October: Studying Maternal and Child Health in Birth Cohorts
by A/P Chong Yap Seng and Dr Soh Shu E.
A/P Chong Yap Seng is the Executive Director, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS), A*STAR; Director, Singapore Centre for Nutrition Sciences, Metabolic Diseases, and Human Development (SiNMeD), A*STAR-NUS; Vice Dean (Academic Medicine), Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS; and Senior Consultant, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, NUH.
Dr Soh Shu E is a Research Scientist, SICS, A*STAR; Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.
21 October: Developmental Trajectories of Maladaptive Perfectionism in Middle Childhood
by Dr Ryan Hong, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, NUS
14 October: Dragon Babies: Fortune of Birth and Life Outcomes
by Dr Tan Poh Lin, Assistant Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS
13 October: Women's Empowerment and Son Preference in Southeast Asia: What Matters Most?
(joint with Asia Research Institute)
by Dr Ly Phan, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, NTU
7 October: Rooted in Relations of Power: Care as Politics
by Dr Ann E. Bartos, Lecturer, Department of Environment, University of Auckland
30 September: 'A rite of passage’? National Citizen Service and the Geographies of Youth Citizenship
by Dr Sarah Mills, Senior Lecturer, Department of Human Geography, Loughborough University, UK
16 September: Marriage, Migration and Ethnic Boundaries in Indonesia
by Dr Ariane Utomo, Research Fellow, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University and Visiting Senior Research Fellow, ARI, NUS
5 September: Occupational Choice, Matching and Earnings Inequality
by Prof Aloysius Siow, Goh Keng Swee Professor, Dept of Economics, NUS; Professor of Economics, University of Toronto
19 August: Aging in Asia: Demographic Trends and Implications
(joint with Dept of Japanese Studies and Health Cluster)
by Prof. Keiichiro Oizumi, The Japan Research Institute, Dr. Sung-won Kim, Meijigakuin University, and Dr. Seonhee Choi, Institute of Social Science, Hyupsung University
8 April: The Effect of Adult Children's Hours Worked on Elder Support: A Natural Experiment in Korea
by Dr Erin Hye-Won Kim, Assistant Professor and Dr Lee Changjun, Research Associate, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, NUS
16 March: Nonstandard Work and Fertility: A Comparison of the United States and Japan
(joint with ARI)
by A/P Martin Piotrowski, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, The University of Oklahoma
11 March: Aging and Wisdom: Age-related Changes in Economic and Social Decision Making
by Dr Yu Rongjun, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, NUS
26 February: Social Exclusion and Cognitive Impairment of the Elderly in China
by Ms Yang Yi, Department of Sociology, NUS
19 February: Workshop: Impact of Individual Behavioral Addiction on the Family
(joint with Department of Psychology)
moderated by Professor Catherine Tang, Department of Psychology and Deputy Director, CFPR, NUS
15 February: Issues and Policies on Health and Welfare Services for the Elderly in Japan
(joint with Department of Japanese Studies and FASS Health Cluster)
by Dr Motoyuki Yuasa, Associate Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Juntendo University
29 January: The Role of Cognitive Ability and Personality Traits for Men and Women in Gift Exchange Outcomes
by Professor John Ham, Provost's Chair Professor, Department of Economics, NUS
22 January: Thermal Comfort and Marital Relations: Evidence from China’s Heating Policy
by A/P Liu Haoming and A/P Junhong Chu, Department of Economics and Professor Ivan Png, Distinguished Professor, Professor of Strategy and Policy, Economics, and Information Systems, NUS
15 January: Accumulation with Social Fragmentation? Building the Neo-liberal Family
(joint with the Asia Research Institute)
by Professor Jonathan Rigg, ARI Director, Department of Geography, NUS
Past Seminars & Workshops
20 November: Religion and Son Preference in India and Bangladesh: Comparing Hindus and Muslims on Son Preference and Sex Differentials in Child Health
by Dr Abhijit Visaria, Postdoctoral Fellow, ARI & CFPR, NUS
16 November: Income and Wealth Inequality in China
by Professor Yu Xie, Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor, Sociology Department and Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, Princeton University
13 November: China Family Panel Studies (CFPS)
by Professor Yu Xie, Bert G. Kerstetter '66 University Professor, Sociology Department and Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, Princeton University
6 November: Methodology Workshop: Longitudinal Studies in the Social Sciences
by Professor Jean Yeung, CFPR Director
30 October: Migration and the Social Structural Correlates of Adolescent Fertility in Vietnam, 1989 to 2009
by A/P Kim Korinek, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Utah and Visiting Senior Research Fellow, ARI & CFPR, NUS
23 October: Complex Households and the Distribution of Multiple Resources in Later Life: Findings from a National Survey
by Dr Juyeon Kim, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Seoul
16 October: The Competitive Earning Incentive for Sons: Evidence from Migration in China
by Dr Yi Junjian, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, NUS
9 October: Filial Piety from Afar: Migration, Gender and Elderly Care in China
by Professor Susanne Y P Choi, Professor, Department of Sociology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2 October: What Will it Cost You Today? Gendered Discourses of Parenting in Singapore's National Environment Campaign
by A/P Michelle Lazar, Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, NUS
23 September: Fear of Solitary Death and its Impact Factors in Japan's Aging Society
(joint with Department of Japanese Studies, FASS)
by A/P Florian Kohlbacher, Associate Professor, International Business School Suzhou, Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University
18 September: Implication of Retirement Age Extension for Human Capital in China, 2015-2050
by Dr Feng Qiushi, Assistant Professor, CFPR and Department of Sociology, NUS
4 September: Aging in East Asia: Multilevel Perspectives on Determinants of Social Relationships and Mental Health
by Dr Ko Pei-Chun, Postdoctoral Fellow, ARI and CFPR, NUS
26 August Workshop: Exploring Collaborative Research Opportunities at the Intersection of Family, Gender and Social Change
(joint with the Asia Research Institute)
21 August: Migrants' Transition to Adulthood in China: Marriage and Job Trajectories on the Origin-education-gender Intersections
by Dr Mu Zheng, Postdoctoral Fellow, ARI and CFPR, NUS
20 March: Family Income and Wealth Dynamics and the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis
by Professor Frank Stafford, Professor of Economics and Research Scientist, University of Michigan
12 March: Opportunities and Challenges of Doing Ethnographic Research on Intergenerational Relations
by Dr Kristina Goransson, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Lund University
27 February Workshop: Secondary Data Analysis in Asia
6 February: Migrant Care Workers in Italy and Taiwan: A Comparative Study
(joint with Asia Research Institute and Migration Cluster, FASS)
by Dr Ko Chyong-Fang, Research Fellow and Director, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
3 February: A Tale of Two Chinas: Aging and Family Change in Rural and Urban China
by Professor Merril Silverstein, Marjorie Cantor Endowed Professor in Aging, Syracuse University
Past Seminars & Workshops
1 December: Launching an Academic Career: What You Need to Know and Do
(joint with ARI)
by Prof Frank Furstenberg, Zellerbach Professor of Sociology at University of Pennsylvania
28 November: Demography as Destiny: A Demographic Perspective on Asian Development
(joint with ARI and Sociology)
by Prof Gavin Jones
27 November: Intergenerational Relations in Aging societies: A Future Perspective
(joint with ARI)
by Prof. Frank Furstenberg, Zellerbach Professor of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania
20 November: Re-conceptualizing Child Support as an Expressive Resource and a Form of Labour: Lessons from the Australian Case
(joint with ARI and SSRC)
by Dr Kristin Natalier, Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Sciences at University of Tasmania
7 November: The Success Frame and the Achievement Paradox: The Children of Chinese Immigrants and Vietnamese Refugees in Los Angeles, USA
(joint with ARI)
by Prof. Zhou Min, Tan Lark Sye Chair Professor of Sociology at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
17 October: Who Participates in After-school Tutoring and Who Benefits from It? A Cross-national and Inter-grade Analysis
(joint with Sociology)
by Prof. Huang Min-Hsiung RF/Prof & Deputy Director, Institute of European and American Studies from the Academia Sinica in Taiwan.
10 October: Immobilized Migrancy: Family, Labor and the Law for Migrants in the Gulf
(joint with Sociology)
by A/P Pardis Mahdavi, Associate Professor at Pomona College and Visiting Senior Research Fellow at ARI
07 October: Inventing the Authentic Self: American Television and Chinese Audiences in Global Beijing
(joint with ARI)
by Dr Gao Yang, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Singapore Management University (SMU)
29 August: Parental Migration and Adolescents’ Transitioning to High School in Rural China
by Ms Hu Shu, a PhD Candidate from the NUS Department of Sociology and currently a Research Associate at the Changing Family cluster at ARI
20 August: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: The Impact of Caregiving on Chinese Older Adult's Life Satisfaction
(joint with Health Cluster)
by Dr. Bei Wu, Pauline Gratz Professor of Nursing at Duke University
5-6 May Workshop: Youthful Futures? Aspirations, Education and Employment in Asia
17 April: The Global Diffusion of Inequality Since 1970 (joint with Department of Sociology)
by Salvatore Jason Babones, Department of Sociology & Social Policy, University of Sydney